I am using a S08AW16A controller with a external source clock of 4Mhz. I need to set the BUS Clock with 4Mhz. Any suggestions guys.
What programming language do you use? You should read:
from page 127
I give a little help ...
ICGC1 = 0xA0
ICGC2 = 0x00
Check ICGS1 register. You should wait for CLKST0:1 = 1: 0, and the bit REFST = 0
I have not programmed on the chip but I think you go out there on track.
I am using assembly language. I have already been through the data sheet. Below are my configurations to set a 4MHz Bus clock from a 4MHz Ext Source Clock.
ICGC1_INIT equ %01011010 ; Select FBE (FLL bypassed external i.e., Ext. XTAL/R) and disable loss of clock
ICGC2_INIT equ %00000001 ; Thus ICGOUT = (4MHz * 4)/2 = 8MHz
ICGC1 = %10110000 or $B0
HGO should be 1 because it is a higher frequency to 1MHz
RANGE is indistinct because not use the FLL
REFS = 0 is external clock oscilator; REFS = 1 External crystal or resonator
CLKS = 1:0, It is true! I was wrong to read.
The last two to yours taste.
ICGC2 = $00