FXTH87 IFID bit function

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FXTH87 IFID bit function

Contributor I


I'm confused about the function of the IFID bit. Description of this bit says

"The IFID control bit selects whether the RFIF bit is set and the MCU is interrupted at the end of

each frame sent or at the end of the last frame in a multiple frame message. The IFID control bit is cleared by the RFMRST signal.

0 The RFIF bit is set and the MCU interrupted if the RFIEN bit is set, after the last frame transmitted.

1 The RFIF bit is set and the MCU interrupted if the RFIEN bit is set, only after the last frame plus an additional interframe message is transmitted."


The difference between both values (0 and 1) is only the additional time at the end of the last fame transmitted? or  the difference is that with one value the MCU is interrupted at the end of each frame transmitted and with the other value the MCU is interrupted at the end of the last frame?

It is not clear enough to me, can somebody explain?

Thanks in advance!

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