When I load and run following program with True Time Simulator & Real Time Debugger ther is no problem. The "Hello World" word appears in terminal windows. But when i reset my microprocessor with K6 system power connector, a specific caracters appears in my terminal windows instead of "Hello World"
Thanks for your help.
#define LED2 PTCD_PTCD0
unsigned int i;
unsigned char j;
// This is a simple string to serial function
void SCI_send_string(char *string)
while (*string) // while the current char of the string is not null
while (!SCIS1_TDRE); // wait for the transmit buffer to be empty
SCID = *string; // write the current char into the transmit buffer
//for (i=0;i<512;i++){
// for(j=0;j<255;j++)
// asm("nop");
//LED2 = !LED2; // toggle the led
string++; // increment the current char position within the string
void main(void)
char rxchar;
SOPT1_BKGDPE = 1; // 1 = enable the debug pin | 0=disable debug pin
ICSC2_BDIV0 = 1;
ICSC2_BDIV1 = 0;
// SOPT1_BKGDPE = 1;
PTCDD_PTCDD0 = 1; // PTC0 as an output
// Following a reset, BUSCLK = 4MHz
SCIBD = 26; // SCI baud rate = 4MHz/(16*26)=9615 bps
SCIC2_TE = 1; // enable the transmitter section
SCIC2_RE = 1; // enable the transmitter section
SCI_send_string("Hello World!"); // write into the serial port ...
while (!SCIS1_RDRF); // wait for a new character to be received
//while (!SCIS1_TDRE); // wait for the transmit buffer to be empty
rxchar = SCID; // read the received char
SCID = rxchar; // send the char back to the host PC
LED2 = !LED2; // toggle the led
if (rxchar==13) SCI_send_string("\r\nHCS08 rules!\r\n");
Hello Davido,
You are not trimming the internal oscillator (and you should do it in order to have a more precise clock frequency). Remember that the BDM tool always adjust ICSTRM and ICSSC:FTRIM, but your application code must read the calibration data from FLASH (addresses 0xFFAE and 0xFFAF).
Best regards,