I am writing a program in CW10.x
and I use an RTC and MTIM.
compile the program and save all.
Everything is OK.
Then I do exit
and start the program again and everything is gone
Description Resource Path Location Type
Symbol TIMER_OF in file E:/Workspace 9S08/Sonora_v2/FLASH/Generated_Code\Vectors_c.obj is undefined Sonora_v2 C/C++ Problem
Symbol RTC_INT in file E:/Workspace 9S08/Sonora_v2/FLASH/Generated_Code\Vectors_c.obj is undefined Sonora_v2 C/C++ Problem
mingw32-make: *** [Sonora_v2.abs] Error 1 Sonora_v2 C/C++ issue
is there a solution
Sorry what is the part number that you are using?
Please close the project that you are using and create a new workspace.
After you create a new workspace, please create a new project and check that on this new project all is correct.
Hello Vicente Gomes
Unfortunately I have the same problem.
If I use a KL25Z I have no problems.
I've been writing programs in asm for 30 years.
I also tried version 11.1 on another LAPOP 32bit but it's the same.
I think I should keep writing in asm programe.
Thanks Regards
Hello Vicente
my case is not the program in asm, but I wanted to write a program in c and use the Procesor expert.
I installed cw 11.1 in 4 different ones and they all have the same error.
I wonder if I'm at fault.
If you want I'll tell you exactly what I'm doing.
google translate
Best regards
Thank you for your reply.
I don't understand what part number you need.
I have installed
Code Warrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers
Version: 10.7
Build: 160721
Best regards
Are you using S08 family, Kinetis, S12 etc?
I am using Codewarrior 10.6, but I can't find the download link, it was replaced by version 11.1. Because of some legacy configuration, I need to use the 10.6 version. Could you provide the download link for 10.6 version?
Yes i am using 9s08 and Kinetis KL25z
Best regards