Hello Hoang Tu,
I don't have experience in these testing software suites.
To avoid having to load the software in the chip each time, you could use the simulator of the debugger.
You can create a New Target in your project to be the CodeWarrior integrated Simulator for HC08.
The simulator will allow you to do more automation with the debugging/testing. For instance, you can give "test vectors" to test your software with different paramaters.
If you wish details on CodeWarrior functionalities, please post a message in the
CodeWarrior for 8- and 16-bit board as all CodeWarrior questions should naturally be asked in a CodeWarrior board.
To do real testing of a CAN software, you will need a CAN Tester which you will take as a model.
A CAN emulator is very useful for this and will provide you the functions you need to generate all type of traffic to test your software in different scenarios.
Buying a CAN Emulator could be a costly option, depending on the amount of test you wish to perform. It might be judicious to buy the CAN drivers already completed so you don't spend time writting and testing them.