Enabling KW2xD platform to be used as sniffer with Wireshark Packet Analyzer with the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter.
Download & Install Wireshark protocol analyzer
Download & Install Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter
Firmware (srec): USB-KW24D512_802.15.4_Sniffer.srec (Download from the USB-KW24D512 Board Support Package)
USB-KW24D512 dongle
TWR-KW24D512 with USB interface (microUSB and jumper J3[2:3])
FRDM-KW24D512 with USB interface (J16 USB port)
Wireshark version used for this post: Version 1.12.0 (v1.12.0-0-g4fab41a from master-1.12)
Step by step guide:
Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter User's Guide.pdf in 'Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter' installer.
Step by step video:
I was unable to get my KW24 TWR board to be detected by the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter tool.
It is detected successfully in TestTool 12. The TWR board is running "TWR-KW2x_Sniffer.srec" which I loaded using TestTool 12. OS is Windows 7
The OpenSDA driver seems okay.
Any suggestions?
Hello calebrust,
There may be a compatibility issue with the latest Kinetis Protocol Analyzer and the KW2x_SnifferOnUART version.
Did you try using the USB firmware (KW24_802.15.4_SnifferOnUSB.srec) provided in \Test Tool 12\images, then put J3 jumper in [2-3] position and use the microUSB port?
Hello Juan,
The KW24 TWR board appears as "KW24D Channel xx" in the Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter. This tower board combined with the USB-KW24D512 I already have allows me to monitor 2 channels simultaneously in Wireshark. Now I can write a custom protocol dissector in Lua to dissect the custom protocol.
Thank you so much!
This looks great. I would love to leverage the USB-KW24D512 to do more than just receive. I am trying to talk to a MC13237 that is using SMAC and want to use the USB dongle to do it. Is there chance to use the packet sniffer code to write SMAC out as well as receive it? Or is there a base USB project that would do Wireless on the USB-KW24D512? or is this where you use the Beekit to generate some framework that I need to finish?
Hello Robert,
Indeed, the USB-KW24D512 can be used also as a development board. You can use SMAC or any 802.15.4-based protocols/applications with the board.
Please take a look into the software available for this platform.
This includes the latest version of the Kinetis Packet Analyzer
Great contribution. Could we also get the source for the kw2x as well as the usb to network daemon running on the host? Both would serve great as sample code.
The USB firmware (.srec) can be downloaded within the USB-KW24D512 Board Support Package
Great Post! I will use it a LOT!
I didn't know that wireshark could analyse the packets.
I have a question: I already have some of the old sniffers with the MC1322X chip. I tried these but didn't worked. Is there a way to use them with wireshark too?
Thank you!
Dear Jose,
If you would like to use the MC1322x USB dongle sniffers with Wireshark, you may follow the steps listed in the following document.
Using Wireshark protocol analyzer and MC1322x USB dongle
Hope it helps.