* Detailed Description:
* Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq.,
* initializes interrupts, blinking one LED by interrupt, second LED by software
* loop, initializes and display notice via UART terminal and then terminal ECHO.
* The example configures the device for maximum performance (OPTIMIZATIONS_ON).
* For XPC564AKIT324S it initializes EBI for mounted external SRAM.
* Its intention is to offer advanced startup code additional to CW stationery.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW: XPC564AKIT208S and XPC564AKIT324S
* MCU: SPC5644AMMG1,0M14X and SPC5644AMVZ1,0M14X
* Fsys: 150/132/120/12 MHz
* Debugger: Lauterbach Trace32
* Target: RAM, internal_FLASH
* Terminal: 19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control on eSCI_A
* EVB connection: default
NOTE: It cannot be used with MPC5642A device, only with MPC5644A and MPC5643A !
For MPC5642A device, use following project instead of attached one:
Hi David,
thanks for your code. I'd like to run this project under CW 10.6. I plan on creating a project for the MPC5644A, stripping that of its contents and importing the respective files (.c, .h, .lcf) of your project, as the importer fails with the target configuration.
Is there any reason not to?
CW10.6 now involved in the attached ZIP file.