iMXRT1062 failure to load flashLoader over USB or UART

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iMXRT1062 failure to load flashLoader over USB or UART

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Senior Contributor II

We are working the the MIMXRT1060-EVK board and have set the on-board switches to enable the serial boot-loader.  We are unable to load ivt_flashloader.bin  as we are experiencing the following errors:

sdphost -t 50000 -u 0x1fc9,0x0135 -- error-status
Status (HAB mode) = 1450735702 (0x56787856) HAB disabled.
Reponse Status = 4042322160 (0xf0f0f0f0) HAB Success.

sdphost -t 50000 -u 0x1fc9,0x0135 -- write-file 539001344 ivt_flashloader.bin
Preparing to send 2122304 (0x206240) bytes to the target.
(1/1)0%unknown HAB mode 2300781449.
Status (HAB mode) = 2300781449 (0x89232389) REENUM Ack

The exact same result is obtained regardless if we use UART or USB interfaces to the EVK.  Anyone else had success using sdphost.exe to download flashloader?

We can build flashloader from the sdk sources and load into SRAM using Segger and are able to communicate with flashloader then either by UART or USB using blhost.exe.  We just cannot seem to load it using serial bootloader.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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1 Solution
Senior Contributor II

Yes as we have no *.bd file for the 1062 flashloader, we adopted the one from the 1050 flashloader distribution and had to change the linker script to match as we are uncertain as to how to customize  *.bd file for generating the 1062 flashloader bootable image with the original linker script.  We needed to build flashloader as we needed to support eMMC connected to uSDHC1 instead of uSDHC2.

At the time this report was entered, we had not changed the linker script and given the mismatch of RAM memory addresses between the linker script and the *.bd file elf2sb.exe ended up creating an ivt_flashloader.bin file that was in excess of the size of SRAM causing the serial loader to fail.  After changing the linker script to match the *.bd file, we have been able to get flashloader to load both by UART and by USB into SRAM, so this specific issue is resolved.

View solution in original post

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2 Replies
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I just made some tests on my end, and I didn't face any problems. In the command that you shared, I think that the problem is the write address that you are using. Please see the below commands that I used. 



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Senior Contributor II

Yes as we have no *.bd file for the 1062 flashloader, we adopted the one from the 1050 flashloader distribution and had to change the linker script to match as we are uncertain as to how to customize  *.bd file for generating the 1062 flashloader bootable image with the original linker script.  We needed to build flashloader as we needed to support eMMC connected to uSDHC1 instead of uSDHC2.

At the time this report was entered, we had not changed the linker script and given the mismatch of RAM memory addresses between the linker script and the *.bd file elf2sb.exe ended up creating an ivt_flashloader.bin file that was in excess of the size of SRAM causing the serial loader to fail.  After changing the linker script to match the *.bd file, we have been able to get flashloader to load both by UART and by USB into SRAM, so this specific issue is resolved.

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