I developed USB Host Mass Storage using MIMXRT1064-EVK board and MCUXpresso UDE.
4K bytes are written every 100ms.
Writing to a USB memory is usually 10ms to 30ms.
However, it sometimes takes more than 400ms.
I don't know why it takes more than 400ms.
Please tell me what's wrong with my program.
Time measurement is done on lines 241 and 249 of wti_usb_host.c.
Best Regards.
I would suggest you refer to usb_host_msd_fatfs demo in SDK.
you can enable MSD_FATFS_THROUGHPUT_TEST_ENABLE to test the throughput. or toggle a GPIO to test the performance, and compare the difference.
Please refer to MCUXpresso SDK USB Stack User's guider.
Hi Daniel
I checked using \usb_examples\usb_host_msd_fatfs\bm.
I made the USB read / write infinite instead of twice.
I'm adding GPIO processing on lines 207 and 217 of host_msd_fatfs.c.
USB writing is completed in about 10ms, but sometimes it takes 1 second.
I fixed it to take 1 second, what should I do?
Best Regards.