how to update apps in sd card when app runs in imxrt1176? I want to update apps in sd(the boot device) , but don't not want use tools in PC (like MCUBoot utility)
another question is how can SBL read the bootable image in SD card?
There is SDK sdmmc driver integrated in SBL/SFW.
You have to implement an 2nd bootloader to support SD OTA in you application.
You can refer to below OTA reference from NXP SE team, it includes SD OTA.
I have read the prj(sbl and sfw) , my question is not to use SD to update apps , but use some media(such as usb or net) to update app in SD(the boot device)
You can refer to \SDK_2.12.0_MIMXRT1170-EVK\boards\evkmimxrt1170\bootloader_examples\flashloader demo, it contains what you want (data from USB HID to SD Card).
Hi @jingyangxie ,
You can refer to this post to see how to put application into SD card.