We use customized board with NXP i.mxrt1173 MCU.
Tried to interface 'eLCDIF Parallel RGB LCD (800 x 480)', but 'LCD interrupt is not triggering'.
The same LCD works fine with 1060 EVK board using eLCDIF.
The 'SDK' for i.mxrt 1170 have sample code for eLCDIF, but configured for MIPI.
Can anyone upload any sample code or steps to include like the respective clock configuration, pin configuration, driver and support files (eLCDIF parallel RGB LCD using NXP i.mxrt 1176 along with DCD (SDRAM) file) if they have come across a solution for the same.
Hi @Usharani_1
We have the next Aplication Note, Use Case of RT1170 LCD Display System based on MIPI DSI https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12940.pdf
Or you can check this excellent blog from a chinese parther https://blog.csdn.net/Oushuwen/article/details/110547413
Or this other excellent blog from Erich Styger a https://mcuoneclipse.com/2018/08/12/tutorial-open-source-embedded-gui-library-littlevgl-with-i-mx-rt...