Hi All,
I was having a random USB error (Micro : IMXRT 117x) where the USB pen drive attach would not get detected SOME TIMES. Most of the time it works as expected and enumerates, but when this issue happens even if I unplug the device and then re-plug it back, it would not get detected.
I was debugging the issue and it seems when this issue happens I get USB HOST EHCI error interrupt; But it seems in the ISR 'USB_HostEhciIsrFunction' , (in file usb_host_ehci.c) even if it gets 'USBHS_USBSTS_SEI' it is not handled.
Is it possible to reset the host controller (if there is a system error) and get it back working? If so, how can I do that?
I really appreciate if someone can think of any clues here,
Hi @jimmyam
It's hard to say the root cause or give you some good direction currently, I am not sure if random USB issue is from h/w or s/w, but to my knowlege, you may check:
And would you please give me more details/backgroud about this project(it is an USB pen base on RT117x? PC Plugin?), how to reproduce it? Which sdk example/version are you using?
Hi @jimmyam,
How often does this issue happen? Does it happen with another USB pen drives as well?
You can try de-initializing and re-initializing the USB module by using:
Or, you could also reset the whole system with: