IMXRT1064 HyperRAM Usage

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IMXRT1064 HyperRAM Usage

3,180 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear Authorized,


I am trying to use HyperRAM on my board. There are some parameter differences with RT1064. Could you please share me example sdk code. 


There is an application note AN12239 about using HyperRAM with i.MXRT1050. But I think the specified configurations are not fit with 1064.

NXP Tech Support says below but its belong to RT1050

Please refer here about related software code.

Here is my example which is derived from official RT1050 Example. But my code is not able to write and read to HyperRAM. I share my codes in attachments. Could you please help me?


Thanks and Regards.

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Senior Contributor I

Hi @nxf77486,


I am stalking related issues on the form. I can't find solution. My problem still continue. I check below document but nothing is changed. This document designed for 1050 and IAR Project. I am using custom RT1064 board and MCUXpresso v11.7.0.


Could you please guide me?



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3,151 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear @nxf77486 ,


I am working on my custom board which is suited with RT1064 Processor. Did you check my code ? I migrate it from RT1050 Example. But I don't know exactly whether I correspond or not software configuration requirements for my board. I can't find too much directives  in any where which guide me to do deterministic results.

By the way there is no doc folder I can't see it.


Thanks and Regards.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I was able to give a look into the attached code, but in this case I suggest to use and example of the RT1064 instead of RT1050. The example flex_spi_hyperflash can be useful as a reference. Also please find an image attached where you can find this redme.txt file.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Thank you in advance for contacting NXP support.

The RT1064 has for default configuration for the usage of the QSPI flash, in order to use the Hyper flash there are some hardware rework required. In the SDK board is necessary to mount  R356,R361,R362,R363,R364,R365,R366 and DNP R153,R154,R155,R156,R157,R158 this could be one of the reasons why you don’t have nothing on the Hyper flash. This information is also included on the SDK example on the readme.txt inside the doc folder in the project.

Please let me know if there is anything else where I can help you.

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3,131 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear @nxf77486 ,


I want to clarify something. My main goal is to use HyperRAM attached on my customboard via FlexSPI interface. I read the "readme.txt" which you advice me. As my understand your teams attached ram/sdram onto RT1064 EVK board and test the default "flexspi_hyperflash_polling_transfer" sdk example on both flash memory and ram memory.


However, when I tried it returns 7001 error code in flexspi_nor_flash_erase_sector > flexspi_nor_write_enable > FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking > FLEXSPI_CheckAndClearError functions in deduction order.


In addition, I can't find additional configuration directives in doc > readme.txt for configuration RAM for example.


Can we extend this topic further to achieve Hyper RAM Usage in RT1064 via FlexSPI Interface?


Best wishes,

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Can you please help me by clarifying if you are able to flash any other NXP for example a hello world?

Also are you using a custom board?

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3,055 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Dear @nxf77486 ,


Yes I am using custom board. Also, I am a able to use hello world, uart, gpt and semc sram examples with my custom board. 


On the other hand, I am able to run evkimxrt1064_flash_component_nor SDK example with the 1064EVK.


But I need to run and use hyperflash operations on my custom board. As a small startup we will be use too many RT1064 in long term. I just want to handle this process with your helps.


Thanks and Regards.


Update: (16/11/2023 - dd/mm/yyyy)


Hi again,


I tried soldering required resistance according to readme.txt for another SDK example (evkimxrt1064_flexspi_hyper_flash_polling_transfer). It does work on EVK.


As a summary, I am able to use both QSPI Flash and Hyper Flash on my EVK. But I am not able to use attached hyper flash on my custom board even the pin arrangement are controller I can't achieve nothing.


What do you suggest me?


Thanks and Regards.

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3,034 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Based on your recent feedback, I will recommend to give a review into the Hardware Development Guide to review your hardware configuration that seems to be the issue

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2,873 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi @nxf77486 ,


There are some missing points for using HyperRAM with FlexSPI on RT1064. This example code and application note is not enough.


How should I design LUT?

How should I refer to the differences between 1050 and 1064 ?

I tried to configure my own example by using reference 1050 code by building it on flexspi_hyper_flash_polling_transfer SDK example. But it is not successfull.


Is there a deterministic guide?



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3,022 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Dear @nxf77486 ,


I will check the document, I have some progress.


How can I test the memory region whether the data is written or not. Could you please check my below case? I am writing data at specific address with EVK. But I can't see the data which I write at memory address.


I am curious about the what is the correct address on my HyperFlash to check written data.


Figure 1: (Controlled Memory Addresses)



Figure 2: (The data buffer content which I expect to see.)





I want to add some specific debug steps. I realized that:


It is also not writing to TFDR(transmit fifo data register) as well as not writing to the memory 0x60000AAA (addr*2 - 0x555*2).





I am on the EVK and trying to write HyperFlash but I can't understand why this case is happening?


Thanks and Regards.

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2,918 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi @nxf77486,


I am stalking related issues on the form. I can't find solution. My problem still continue. I check below document but nothing is changed. This document designed for 1050 and IAR Project. I am using custom RT1064 board and MCUXpresso v11.7.0.

Could you please guide me?



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2,800 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Dear @yipingwang ,


I have read your document below link:


I am using S27KS0641DPBHV020 HyperRAM on my custom board. I can't achieve the instruction sets of my HyperRAM for it as seen for other HyperRAMs: 



There for I am not able to use my hyperRAM on the custom board. What do you advise me to handle this situation? I just want to configure my project for HyperRAM usage.


Thanks and Regards.

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2,769 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



The list of the Hyper Ram device tested by NXP are located on the following document.

Also please give a look into the following community post.

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2,709 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Dear @nxf77486 ,


I tried all of them. All documents and steps.


Finally, @kerryzhou  inspired me about a hot point. I think that there is a missing side with the look up. I didn't make extra configuration for my HyperRAM's LUT Settings in the code side in addition to default SDK example. I think I should do it. This is why my HyperRAM is not recognized and getting error.


But the criticial side is there is no LUT Instruction Set Information in both side "Infineon" and "NXP".


I created two issue in Infineon Community to get LUT Details but the Infineon Experts says it is related with RT1064 RM:


Thus, the details are not given completely as you wish me to look some documents you linked. There are some missing points. What should I do to achieve correct configurations?





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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I think this post can help. For the setting configuration you request.

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