Is it possible to configure ADC differential mode? In page 3 of datasheet:
The i.MX RT1020 processors integrate Analog module: — Two Analog-Digital-Converters (ADC), one of which supports differential inputs, up to 19 channels
But i not found how to do that in regirsters. There is only a tip to setup ADCH, and no way to do that for ADCL.
Hello @dinartal,
I confirm this, the RT1020 doesn't support differential mode, this will be corrected in the following release.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
Hello @dinartal,
As you mention, the note says that supports the differential mode but looking at the registers there isn't any mention of how to enable this. I think this could be an error in the datasheet. I will report this to the apps team.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon