Hello Mr Jimenez,
I burned the fuse BT_FUSE_SEL. I succeed in booting from internal flash. Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,
Hello Patrice Lacouture,
Hello Patrice Lacouture,
You can boot from the fuses without any problems, so hopefully, you won't need a new board revision. I recommend you refer to sections 8.3.3 and 8.4.1 of the Reference Manuel, here you will find the explanation on how to boot directly from the fuses.
Regarding on how to burn the fuses, the easiest way to achieve this is with the MCUBootUtility (GitHub - JayHeng/NXP-MCUBootUtility: A one-stop boot utility tool based on Python2.7+wxPython4.0, it... ). Please keep in mind that to burn the fuses using this utility you need to use either USB or UART while the RT is in serial downloader mode. It is also possible to burn the fuses in runtime, please refer to the following thread: How to burn BT_FUSE_SEL on RT1050.
Best regards,
Hello Patrice Lacouture,
If you don't connect anything to the BOOT_MODE pins you will always boot from the eFUSES, to learn more about this, please refer to section 8.3.3 of the Reference Manual.
I would recommend you to connect the BOOT_MODE pins. Once you have these pins connected and you have a value of b10 in the BOOT_MODE[1:0] you will by default boot from the internal flash of the RT1064.
Regarding the ONOFF and WAKEUP pin, there isn't any problem if you leave these two pins as no connection.