I am trying to replace an obsolete nand flash on a custom board. The new flash chip has a different id.
I found the hex string defining the nand id in the existing nk.nb0 file.
The problem is eboot_ivt.sb. As it's encrypted, I will likely need to recreate it. For that, I am looking for the
wce600_10.08.02_sdk_bundle.zip that came with the imx28 evk board.
Is this package somewhere available for download?
The imx28 evk board is still sold. It contains that software package if I read correctly.
So I should buy a 500 euro almost devkit of a 10 year old processor to get the sdk? I don't need the wince 6.0, just the support package for the imx28.
The wince 6.0 is unavailable from nxp, since it is out of date, hope somebody provides the configuration file.