Ours is a custom board based on iMx6 and our customer request is to change the clko_clk from 24Mhz to 48Mhz.I have been trying to set the clock for the clko_clk.But not able to set the rate so can anyone tell me how to set the pixel clock or master clock to 48Mhz and what i was trying was in Linux BSP version L3.0.35_4.1.0_130816 .
The location of the file is
Can anyone help me in this
Thank you,
Hi Deepanraj
you can add codes to function in clock.c,
__raw_writel(dividerbyN, MXC_CCM_CCOSR);
one can check CCM_CCOSR sect.18.6.21 CCM Clock Output Source Register
I think you can set some root_clock for any unused peripheral to suitable value and output
it with CCM_CCOSR
Best regards
Hi Igor
But actually i am trying to set 48Mhz but when i divide any of the clock am not able to get my required clock for the clk0_clk.
thank you,
Hi Deepanraj
you can try to output with CCM_CCOSR setting:
CLKO1_SEL=0000 pll3_sw_clk (this inputs has additional constant division /2)
CLKO1_DIV=100 divide by 5
(I believe in linux pll3_sw_clk = 480000000)
and this should result in 480000000/2/5=48 Mhz
Best regards