Is there some detail introduce documents about i.MX8 VPU encoder and decoder?
About how to select CBR or VBR mode,how VPU encode camera frame to H264 frames,how to debug VPU encode or decode performance,
how to use v4l2h264enc gstreamer plugins and etc...
Need all related document or use guide for VPU and VPU gstreamer plugins
for VPU, you can refer to the reference manual and i.MX_VPU_Application_Programming_Interface_Linux_Reference_Manual
for gstreamer, you can refer to the i.MX_Linux_User's_Guide.pdf
the document you can download from the link as below:
Embedded Linux for i.MX Applications Processors | NXP
the latest version is "L5.4.3_1.0.0_LINUX_DOCS "