I build a Yocto L5.4.3 zeus imx-image-full image for imx8qxpmek.
I noticed the OpenCV 4.1.2 libraries also in library folder.
then I build meta-toolchain, would like to develop software using OpenCV,
I got error because there is no header nor library files on my host opt/xxx/sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux.
Does any ones knows how to build compose a complete SDK ?
Also tried bitbake imx-image-full-sdk , unfortunately there is no such toolchain recipe provided.
Thank you
Hello Molin,
Do know why it breaks the compilation which error show you?
however if you are using the eIQ, You need to download the OpenCV 4.1.2 from https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra/archive/4.2.0.zip
Hello Bio:
per your suggestion, I download OpenCV source code to retrieve headers, it works!
thank you very much, we can close this topic ~