Oracle vs. Google and what happens to Android

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Oracle vs. Google and what happens to Android

Contributor I
There are plenty of hard working people toiling away with Android on platforms. It should be said, and particularly here, that this may not just be an engineering exercise.  The nature of the Oracle vs. Google lawsuit for nearly any possible conclusion requires that we consider the long-term future of Java on Android. Alternatives need to be discussed and investments of time and resources thought through accordingly.
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Contributor II
I've used QT Embedded on several projects, starting with the Trolltech Greenphone. The advantages of QT are that developers can write and debug code on their desktop, and then compile it for their target device. Android doesn't run "real" Java, it runs Dalvik, which is similar to Java, but not exactly the same. Once I get OpenJDK (the real Java) fixed up performance wise for the i.MX51, it should be possible to use that on Android. Although Android doesn't support C++,. which is what OpenJDK is written in, there are several C++ toolchain solutions that would make this possible.
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Contributor I
I strongly believe in Qt Embedded as a alternative to the Android software stack. We , Genesi , have most of the basic infrastructure done , like accelerated screendriver and opengl. The things that are lacking now are some desktop applications , like a good looking application launcher. I want to encourage all that have some spare time to think about the possibilites in this. Java is available for ARM , so using the Jambi bindings to Qt should be possible. This means a fairly easy transition for Android application developers. Some useful links related to Java on ARM linux: Jambi:
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