LTIB Image file size estimation and NAND Compression techniques.

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LTIB Image file size estimation and NAND Compression techniques.

908 次查看
Contributor III

Dear Support,

   is there an estimate available on the actual root image file sizes when LTIB is built for a specific architecture. I understand the PDK comes with 2GB NAND. Is there a rough guide on the kernel and the rootfs filesizes in advance?.

net@net-PC:~/Qt_imx257/ltib/rootfs$ ls -lh root*

net@net-PC:~/Qt_imx257/ltib/rootfs$ cd ..
net@net-PC:~/Qt_imx257/ltib$ ls -lh root*
-rw-r--r--  1 net net  15M 2011-09-13 21:56 rootfs.cramfs
lrwxrwxrwx  1 net net   15 2011-09-13 21:56 rootfs_image -> ./rootfs.cramfs


Is the current filesize seen for the Image correct?. I have been unable to find resources to compress/compare various image formats. Could someone provide any specific document on this?.




Vikram U
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1 解答
781 次查看
Contributor III

A year later..

   i think the reliable guide is to identify the Base package - 300MB and then add the packages that need to go in.


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1 回复
782 次查看
Contributor III

A year later..

   i think the reliable guide is to identify the Base package - 300MB and then add the packages that need to go in.

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