After building Android from sources I get directory structure in out/target/product/...
which contains root/system and other dirs. But when I check permission for dirs/files I see
that all of them are set to local user. As a result (as far as I understand) running it either
using NFS or copying to SD card leads to the situation when Android doesn't boot completely
as well as it doesn't allow to connect to the board via adb. Also it complains about :smileyhappy: permissions.
What I see on the screen attached to the board is A N D R O I D text printed to console by /init (and
no animation etc).
Steps I do for building Android:
0. apply FSL patches
1. source build/envsetup.sh
2. lunch (select platform)
3. make -j8 2>&1 | tee build.log
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
So, issue with permissions is solved. Actually, I'm able to boot the board after I extracted ramdisk to sd's root and system.img to /system saving permissions. And what concerns raw directories in "out" directory - as I mentioned before - are still with local user's permissions. So, I assume it's not a bug, it's a feature :smileyhappy:.
Can you try clean build after removing the out directory.
Hi, Saurabh
Thanks for answering. Actually I tried a few times. Did the following:
- make installclean
- make clean
and repeated build. But, didn't try to remove out directory completely.
I'll try again and reply here.
addition: "out" removed after doing cleaning steps.
Kind regards,
Does clean build solved your problem?
Hi, Saurabh!
Merry X-Mas! :smileyhappy:
Nope. Nothing changed.
Here is file/dir list (at pastebin) with user permissions. The same will be for /system directory