I am using 7ulp.
Occasionally heartbeat timeout occurs on m4.
I confirmed that "SRTM_Lfcl_Event_HeartBeat" occurs every 30 seconds through the M4 debug message.
1. Where does SRTM_Lfcl_Event_HeartBeat occur in the M4 source?
2. Where is the driver related to the heartbeat of M4 in the A7 kernel?
Hi @Anonymous,
I hope you are doing well.
1. Where does SRTM_Lfcl_Event_HeartBeat occur in the M4 source?
[Ans]: SRTM_Lfcl_Event_HeartBeat is handled by APP_SRTM_LfclEventHandler.
which can be found at SDK_2_11_0_EVK-MCIMX7ULP/boards/evkmcimx7ulp/demo_apps/power_mode_switch/app_srtm.c
2. Where is the driver related to the heartbeat of M4 in the A7 kernel?
[Ans]: Driver related to heartbeat service can be found at /arch/arm/mach-imx/pm-rpmsg.c in Linux.
I hope it helps!
Thanks & Regards,
Dhruvit Vasavada
Hi @Anonymous,
I hope you are doing well.
can I mark this case as close?
Thanks & Regards,
Dhruvit Vasavada