I am working on EVKB- 1052, I have taken example from SDK named " EVKB-IMXRT1050-guix_washing_machine". I successfully build it on IAR. when I download it on board, I am getting hard fault in touch thread.
Hello, I review the example in the MCUXpresso IDE, and it is working as expected, I do not know if your issue is about the LCD, you may need a review if your Display is compatible.
I recommend downloading the MCUXpresso for the new RT devices.
Best regards,
I have checked the Display setting in display_support.h.
I am working with IAR IDE wchich is my requirement.
Still I am facing the same issue
Hello, could you send me a picture of your setup?
Best regards,
Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, let me get into your case and when I have more information, I will contact you. Let my doing the test to the example, and I will share my results.
Best regards,