My board has an IMXRT1170 processor and Wifi chip from Ti and runs on FreeRTOS and lwip stack. I'm trying to integrate a dhcp server in Wifi AP mode. I have tested the dhcp server code which uses Lwip in ethernet medium in IMX RT 1050 and its working fine. My laptop is able to get a dynamic address.
But in wifi, the board is receiving DHCP_DISCOVER and sending a DHCP_OFFER response. But the client is not receiving the DHCP_OFFER message or a dynamic address. The DHCP offer message contains a valid ip address offered. I am attaching wireshark dump.
What could be the reason DHCP_OFFER is not accepted by client?
Hi Febin:
Since Ethernet medium can work and WIFI not, I would suggest you post this question on TI WIFI community to get fast help.