I want to give the "Configuration Tools for i.MX" a try. I want to create a DDR config for my custom Board with an i.MX8MP on it.
But when I start the Tools and "Create a new configuration", the Processor I need isn't there and the Tool shows the Warning: "Network is not available or offline mode is on"
Well I'm writing this with the same Computer. Im Signed in here. I have no Proxy and in "Preferences" "Work offline" isn't checked!
What's going wrong?
Is this the right Forum?
Gave the Register-Programming-Aid (RPA) another try and filled out everyting marked in red (or orange).
See attached RPA.
I noticed some errors in the RPA when checking the "DDR Stress test file"-Sheet:
There are two register-values set to "TBD". No wonder its not working.
Any suggestions?
I already know the RegisterProgrammingAids. They are very uncomfortable and uneasy to use.
I hoped for some better tool by NXP. And I don't get it why you make this suggestion when the DDR-Tool has "Support for i.MX 8M family devices" (original from Web-Site).
I wanted this: (from your Web-Site)
But I have to use the Script-Aid with complicated Excel sheets and then have to port the resulting code to the U-Boot SPL BY HAND?????