It is possible to understand the Software state at the moment the node stops working. For this, you need to follow the next steps:
Now using the “.map” file, you may understand how the functions and variables were placed in the memory. This will be great help to understand what is going on within the sw stack.
One of the important variables to monitor is the "MsgTrackingArray" which keeps monitoring of the internal message system. To enable this array in your code, you need to define MsgTracking_d, prior compilation.
See below the information you can get from the various messages used by the system:
typedef PACKED_STRUCT MsgTracking_tag
uint32_t MsgAddr; /*Addr of Msg, not that this pointer is 4 byte bigger than
the addr in the pool has the header of the msg is 4 bytes */
uint32_t AllocAddr; /*Return address of last Alloc made */
uint32_t FreeAddr; /*Return address of last Free made */
uint16_t AllocCounter; /*No of time this msg has been allocated */
uint16_t FreeCounter; /*No of time this msg has been freed */
uint8_t AllocStatus; /*1 if currently allocated, 0 if currently free */
} MsgTracking_t;
So, if you hav ea problem becuase of memory allocation, you can understand exactly which fucntion is injecting the problem.