I started draw schematic for our product using KW31Z refer KW41Z/31Z/21Z Design in check-list(REV 1) at below lonk.
I cannot understand the below check item.
6.3 Have the 3pF bypass capacitors been added to PTC1-5?
Why PTC1-5 require 3 pF bypass capacitors?
Please reply as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Could you please refer to the AN5377 Hardware Design Considerations for MKW41Z/31Z/21Z BLE and IEEE 802.15.4 Device section 6.1.1 for further information about this?
Best Regards,
Dear Estephania
Thank you for your reply.
I want to use PTC2 and PTC3 with LPUART0_RX and LPUART0_TX respectively.
Is the 3 pF bypass capacitor necessary also in this case?
Please reply as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Those capacitors are needed also in that case, in the PORTC in general, this is in order to reduce some peaks and be able to pass the certifications.
Best Regards,