Simple Searches throwing up "Contact Administrator" errors

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Simple Searches throwing up "Contact Administrator" errors

Specialist II

I'm attempting a search in the CodeWarrior forum.

I'm starting off here:

CodeWarrior for MCU

The third article in the list has the title "Codewarrior too slow to use on Win 7 64 bit - Kinetis, CW 10.1, Win7".

I type "slow" into the "Search by Text" box. I don't even need to hit "return". In fact I only have to type "sl" and wait a second.

A red bar then pops up stating "The content that you requested could not be displayed due to an error. You may have been logged out. If this problem persists please contact your system administrator. Click here to refresh this page.".

I'm not logged out. I only just logged in. The "Welcome" is showing on the top right of the page.

I click on that link in the bar (you have to be quick, it only stays up for a second", and now I'm at:a page which shows:


Access to this place or content is restricted. If you think this is a mistake, please contact your administrator or the person who directed you here.

There's two "contact your administrator" requests, so that's what I'm doing.

The same thing happens on the Coldfire Forum.

Am I doing anything wrong?


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2 返答(返信)

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

This is fixed in the CodeWarrior for MCU community.  It was being caused by a junk entry in the database that was breaking search.  We found a similar entry in the 8-bit, 16-bit and Kinetis communities.  We have resolved those as well and are looking for other inconsistencies and will be installing a patch to prevent to prevent the issue in the future.

Thanks for reporting it. Paul

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

There were some blank blog entries scatted throughout the site that occurred during migration to the platform.  They have all been located and removed.  Please let us know if you come across this problem again.

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