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Compilation of views taken during The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals held at the Fraunhofer IIS during the event opening. Credit: Fraunhofer IIS
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Footage taken using the Fraunhofer IIS Eagle Cam attached to the Car from the Politecnico of Torino on the final track layout. Credit: Fraunhofer IIS
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Watch the video highlights of the Freescale Cup Worldwide Finals 2015 for the training sessions. Credit: Fraunhofer IIS
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On September 14-15, 2015, The Freescale Cup Worldwide Finals will be held at the Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits (Fraunhofer IIS) in Erlangen, Germany You can follow along and see the regional champion teams from South Korea, China, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Mexico, Brazil, USA and Switzerland train and compete for the World Title. Agenda of the event covered by the LiveCast is (all times are Central Europe Time): September 14th 14:00 - 15:00 Opening Ceremony 15:00 - 17:30 Training Session 17:30 - 18:00 High Schools and Innovation Challenge Demonstrations September 15th 9:00 - 13:00 Training Session 13:00 - 14:30 Technical Inspection and preparation for the Finals Race 14:30 - 15:00 Finals Race 15:00 - 15:45 Preparation for the Awards 15:45 - 17:30 Awards Ceremony Download and print the attached poster with the embedded QR-Code for posting the link of the LiveCast Direct LiveCast URL is
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A tomada inteligente segue a filosofia proposta pelo protocolo internacional de medição e verificação (PIMVP) que diz “não gerenciamos aquilo que não medimos”. Porém, nem sempre temos um equipamento acessível ou recurso adequado para isso. A proposta da tomada é fornecer aos usuários um sistema de medição e controle sem a necessidade de grandes investimentos. O adaptador de tomada inteligente possui um circuito de medição de corrente elétrica e um circuito para medição da tensão elétrica presente na tomada. Estas informações são, inicialmente, armazenadas em na memória interna da tomada. Um aplicativo desenvolvido para dispositivos Android se comunica com a tomada, através da rede wireless da residência. Link do dropbox para acessar arquivos: Dropbox - Tomada Inteligente
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Feel free to print or post this poster on your bulletin boards to promote the registrations for The Freescale Cup EMEA 2016!! Should you need customisation for your school or university, please contact me
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This guide provides all the participants of the Freescale Cup finals with the key information to get organised during the event. This is the final version
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Model provided by the Mathworks Academic support team to manage wide angle lenses on the default Freescale Cup car camera.
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See how Sylvain got a position at NXP.
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TFC2015 UCDavis Team Chucksgon Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted​
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TFC2015 UCDavis Team DKnight Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted
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TFC2015 UCDavis Team The One Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halste
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TFC2015 UCDavis Team Young Tortoise Final Report Thanks for sharing Lance Halsted​
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Data acquisition system for Kinetis K Family Author : Mauro Padin (Student) Supervisors : Professor Daniel A. Jacoby, Juan Pablo Vega (Teacher Assistant)   Summary:   This project is based on the FRDM-K64F board, a HC-05 Bluetooth module, and a smartphone. In this application, an analog signal is sampled and transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone, using an external Bluetooth module, where it is displayed. The complete CodeWarrior C code and MIT App Inventor code can be found in the .zip file. System Structure SysTick Module: Periodically triggers ADC conversions and UART transmissions. ADC Module: Samples the analog signal and manages the ADC input buffer. UART Module: Manages the UART output buffer and transmits the digitized data. Bluetooth Module: When connected, wirelessly transmits the data coming from the UART module. Smartphone App: Handles Bluetooth connection, receives the digitized data and manages the display.   Software Structure   A project template is provided to the students in order to establish a simple, and easy, program organization for the duration of the course. A portion of the template was built with the help of the Processor Expert so that, later on, the students would be able to understand its structure and limitations, and transition to this new tool. A wrapper was built around this auto-generated code and the resulting function, void __LDM_init (void), is to be used at the very beginning of the project given. This function mainly configures internal processor registers related to clock configuration.   The project is composed of separate files for each hardware and software module:   The template is composed of four files: LDM.c/h, main.c, and misc.h. The application is found in: App.c/h RTI, ADC, UART, LED Drivers are defined in: RTI.c/h, adc.c/h, uart.c/h, and LED.c/h.   The basic Driver structure consists of a void DRV_init(void) initialization, a set of void DRV_x_ISR(void) interrupt handlers, a set of void DRV_x_PISR(void) periodic interrupt handlers, and a set of void DRV_x services function. Only the initialization function is mandatory, the others being optional and dependent on the driver purpose. Service functions are interfaces between the application and the Driver and do not necessarily access any subjacent hardware. Indeed, this Driver structure can be nested and thus not handle any hardware at all. When a Driver function does access hardware, it is recommended to further use a Hardware Abstraction Layer to enhance productivity and improve portability.   Extracts of the system   As an example of the Driver Structure, the LED Driver is described below:   init void LED_init  (void)   ISR N/A   PISR void LED_PISR  (void)    Services void LED_write  (color_t color, bool value) void LED_set  (color_t color) void LED_clear  (color_t color) void LED_toggle (color_t color)   The entire application is interrupt driven, so that only initialization are necessary and the run loop is empty:   void App_init(void) {   LED_init();  // LED driver init function   uart_init();  // UART driver init function   adc_init();  // ADC driver init function   RTI_init();  // RTI driver init function }   void App_run(void) { }       Hardware interrupts are not serviced in their specific handler but referred to external handlers for readability and organization. The SysTick interrupt handler is composed of a ISR and a Service:   ISR_t SysTick_Handler(void) {   LED_isr code   ADC_conv code } The code for the smartphone side is depicted below:     Finally, a screenshot of the result:       Original Attachment has been moved to:
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A Livecast has been set up for you to enjoy The Freescale Cup EMEA Finals on 28-29 April that are hosted at the Politecnico of Torino. Connect on Freescale Cup 2015 live streaming - SeLM - Politecnico di Torino
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This document is addressed to the participants and visitors that will join us for The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals 2015 The Freescale Cup 2015 Worldwide Finals will be held on 14-15 September 2015 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (Fraunhofer IIS) in Erlangen, Germany. Full address is: Fraunhofer IIS Am Wolfsmantel 33 91058 Erlangen Germany Google Maps location The attendees official guide is now online at Agenda of the event for the participants (subject to change): Sunday September 13th: Arrival at Hotels Get together in the evening (approximate time 18:00) at A&O Hostel Monday September 14th: 8:30: Departure from Hotel for City Tour 11:30: Prepare for departure for Fraunhofer IIS 12:00: Buses depart for Fraunhofer IIS 13:00: Lunch 14:00: Opening session 15:00: Start of Practice 17:30: High School and Innovation Challenge Demos 18:00: End of Practice - Start of the evening event 21:00: End of evening event - boarding buses for return to hotel Tuesday September 15th: 8:00: Buses depart for Fraunhofer IIS 9:00: Practice 13:00: Technical Inspection & Lunch 14:30: Final Race 16:00: Awards Ceremony 17:30: Buses depart for Awards Dinner 20:30: Buses depart for Hotel The event will be presented via LiveCast by the Fraunhofer IIS. URL is  Hotel information: Students Hotel: Nuremberg Hostel - Stay at the A&O Hostel & Hotel Nuremberg  Google Maps Location Professors and Press Hotel: NH Nürnberg City Center hotel in Nuremberg Bahnhofstr. 17-19 | NH Hotel Group Google Maps Location Freescale will cover the cost of travel, accommodation and meals for the event for all Freescale Cup qualified teams and one faculty advisor per the rules in place. For Visa invitation letters, please contact or Travel booking will be organized by your regional Freescale University Program contact. Please have your faculty advisor get in touch with them for more information
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A simple demo code for TWR-K60D100
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These are the 2015 Freescale Cup Worldwide Challenge Rules. The Finals will take place in Erlangen Germany on September 14-15, 2015. The Worldwide Rules are to be used for all challenges unless the University Programs Coordinator modifies the rules for your specific region. Update on Rules V6: highlighted the fact that no wireless connectivity is allowed during the race. Any wireless connectivity module must be removed before the technical inspection
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To comply with the rule that mentions that “One processor - No auxiliary processor or other programmable device is allowed”. Participants must check the camera used for the competition. The camera cannot have a processing unit that processes the image for localization, polarization, auto contrast or auto focus. The only authorization is for a compression engine (no image processing, only compression). An Analog to Digital external converter can be used. Such as AD7276/AD7277/AD7278. For any additional cameras, please contact your Regional Freescale Cup Coordinator. They can confirm if the camera can be used and it will be added to this list for further inquiries. Camera Allowed: TSL1401R−LF TSL1401-DB SEN-11745 OV-5116N Melexis MLX75306 Linear Optical Array Some restricted cameras and some examples why: OV-2540 This camera can be programmed and processes the image output. Not allowed. CM-26N/P This camera has • Auto gain, • Auto contrast and • Auto focused. OV6630 C3038 VGA OV7670
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Wanted to let you know of the new textbook on Freescale ARM Cortex M is published. Here is the link to Amazon: The support materials are here: Author: prof1982
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