Hello Rony,
In my previous post, I was referring to user registration and not product.
Registering as a Freescale.com user
To register to Freescale.com, no Registration Code is required.
You actually don't even need to be a Freescale Customer to create an account and receive updates on the Company and its products.
To post on these Forums, a Freecale.com account should exist and its details should not be garbage.
Registering a Freescale product
It depends on what the registration is for.
There is always free support generally speaking, but paying customers gets extra (of course!). Registration is not necessary to use all Freescale products.
This should be described on the product. If no detail exist in the archive downloaded or on the packaging.
Please note that I received a message from the Licensing Team:
They acknowledge that because of problems with the automatic license generation; employees are handling all requests manually and are seriously overloaded. They are working on a technical solution.
I hope this helps...
Message Edited by Alban on 2007-02-19 06:32 PM