Hi, I'm trying to balance my ten cells system but It seems to take effect only on even cells.
I write CBx_TIMER and CBx_EN in CBx_CFG for each cell to balance, than I enable drivers CB_
DRVEN in SYS_CFG1. I can see correct activation set in CB_DRV_STS but only even cells are really balanced.
Any help?
Hi Alessandro,
please note, that when less than 14 Cells is used with the MC33771C some rules for connection of the remaining Cells must be followed. Please check the AN12536. You can chose from three recommended filters for the unused channels. Please also refer to the section 13.2.2 in the MC33771C datasheet.
At least cell 1 through cell 4 and cell 12 through cell 14 must be used. Unused cells must start with CT5.
With Best Regards,