Some of KTY82 resistance change smaller after mass production

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Some of KTY82 resistance change smaller after mass production

405 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


We have customer buy 20Kpcs KTY82, and about 4Kpcs have the abnormal resistance value, about 0.2ko in 25 degree temperature, and other normal resistance value is about 0.99o in 25 degree temperature. Customer buy this device in 2015, after two years, they have tested these abnormal resistance in prototype design, but after product production, its value change to smaller than before, what make this change? could you help for it? Thanks.

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264 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Hanson,

if it is the KTY82 itself, that is causing the too low resistance, then I think it could be damaged by ESD.

Other causes of such a failure behavior I have not seen yet.

Best regards,


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