In register CTRL_REG1 of the FXOS8700CQ acceleration sensor, there is the option lnoise. The manual states the following...
Reduced noise and full-scale range mode (analog gain times 2).
0 – Normal mode
1 – Reduced noise mode; Note that the FSR setting is restricted to ±2 g or ±4 g mode. This feature
cannot be used in ±8 g mode.
When arming that bit at a range of +-2g, is the resolution of 0.244 mg/LSB stays the same or it is being halved (0.122 mg/LSB)?
Does this reduced noise mode has to do anything with oversampling (OSR)?
Thank you very much.
Hello Efthymios,
According to the datasheet when the full-scale range is set to 2g, the measurement range is –2 g to +1.999 g, and each count corresponds to 0.244 mg at ±14-bits resolution and it's not affected for the low noise mode. Also, the low-noise accelerometer mode works independently of the oversampling modes.