I have a poor understanding of the FlexCAN module sending priority, can you provide a Demo about sending priority setting.
please refer to chapter 55.3.3 Arbitration process of the RM for the explanation of transmitting priority.
During arbitration process the TX MB winner is selected using below mechanisms depending on CTRL1[LBUF] and MCR[LPRIOEN] setting.
- Lowest-number mailbox first or
- Highest-priority mailbox first
For example the SDK has no support/option to configure that, CTRL1[LBUF] is keeping cleared, I think.
BR, Petr
Thank you for your answer.
I have another question. How can I send multiple messages at the same time.
there is single CAN message at a time on the CAN bus.
You can prepare as many TX MB for sending as you need, and those will be sent one after another according the internal arbitration and the bus arbitration as well.
BR, Petr