flexcan_state_t canCom1_State;
const flexcan_user_config_t canCom1_InitConfig0 = {
.max_num_mb = 2, /*!< The maximum number of Message Buffers
@internal gui name="Maximum number of message buffers" id="max_num_mb" */
.pe_clock = FLEXCAN_CLK_SOURCE_PERIPH, /*!< The clock source of the CAN Protocol Engine (PE). */
.is_rx_fifo_needed = false, /*!< 1 if needed; 0 if not. This controls whether the Rx FIFO feature is enabled or not.
@internal gui name="Use rx fifo" id="is_rx_fifo_needed" */
.num_id_filters = FLEXCAN_RX_FIFO_ID_FILTERS_8,/*!< The number of RX FIFO ID filters needed
@internal gui name="Number of RX FIFO ID filters" id="num_id_filters" */
.fd_enable = false, /*!< Enable/Disable the Flexible Data Rate feature. */
.flexcanMode = FLEXCAN_LOOPBACK_MODE, /*!< User configurable FlexCAN operation modes.
@internal gui name="Flexcan Operation Mode" id="flexcanMode"*/
.payload = FLEXCAN_PAYLOAD_SIZE_8, /*!< The payload size of the mailboxes specified in bytes. */
/*!< The bitrate used for standard frames or for the arbitration phase of FD frames. */ //500K
.bitrate = {
.propSeg = 7, /*!< Propagation segment*/
.phaseSeg1 = 4, /*!< Phase segment 1*/
.phaseSeg2 = 1, /*!< Phase segment 2*/
.preDivider = 0, /*!< Clock prescaler division factor*/
.rJumpwidth = 1 /*!< Resync jump width*/
/*!< The bitrate used for the data phase of FD frames. */
.bitrate_cbt = {
.propSeg = 11, /*!< Propagation segment*/
.phaseSeg1 = 1, /*!< Phase segment 1*/
.phaseSeg2 = 1, /*!< Phase segment 2*/
.preDivider = 0, /*!< Clock prescaler division factor*/
.rJumpwidth = 1 /*!< Resync jump width*/
.transfer_type = FLEXCAN_RXFIFO_USING_INTERRUPTS,/*!< Specifies if the Rx FIFO uses interrupts or DMA. */
.rxFifoDMAChannel = 0U /*!< Specifies the DMA channel number to be used for DMA transfers. */
};/* Set information about the data to be received or sended*/flexcan_data_info_t dataInfo ={.msg_id_type = FLEXCAN_MSG_ID_EXT,/*!< Type of message ID (standard or extended)*/.data_length = 1U, /*!< Length of Data in Bytes*/.fd_enable = false, /*!< Enable or disable FD*/.fd_padding = 0U, /*!< Set a value for padding. It will be used when the data length code (DLC)specifies a bigger payload size than data_length to fill the MB */.enable_brs = true, /*!< Enable bit rate switch inside a CAN FD format frame*/.is_remote = false /*!< Specifies if the frame is standard or remote */};PINS_DRV_SetMuxModeSel(PORTE, ePIN_24, PORT_MUX_ALT3); //CAN_HPINS_DRV_SetMuxModeSel(PORTE, ePIN_25, PORT_MUX_ALT3); //CAN_L�FLEXCAN_DRV_Init(canNum, &canCom1_State, &canCom1_InitConfig0);
/* Configure Rx message buffer with index 1 to receive frames with ID 2 */FLEXCAN_DRV_ConfigRxMb(canNum, RX_MAILBOX, &dataInfo, RX_MSG_ID);INT_SYS_EnableIRQ(CAN2_ORed_0_15_MB_IRQn);/* Configure Tx message buffer with index 1 to send frames with ID 1 */FLEXCAN_DRV_ConfigTxMb(canNum, TX_MAILBOX, &dataInfo, msgId);FLEXCAN_DRV_Send(canNum, TX_MAILBOX, &dataInfo, msgId, (uint8_t *)&sendData[i]);hello, NXP
I 'm going to replace ".flexcanMode = FLEXCAN_LOOPBACK_MODE," with ".flexcanMode = FLEXCAN_NORMAL_MODE,",My program is not working property,in either case , my CAN module can not send data,why? whit is my problem?
My transceiver is TJA1044T.
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
the ESR1=0x40080 means module is synced to the bus and is idle.
So FLEXCAN_DRV_Send should work normally when called for first time for given MB. For next calling you should check MB status each time, using FLEXCAN_DRV_GetTransferStatus().
Do you use demo example? I have tested "flexcan_encrypted_s32k148" demo from latest RTM_SDK_3.0.0, modified it for CAN2 with pins you have. On the S32K1448EVB-Q176 I see CAN message on external loopback connection upon button is pressed.
BR, Petr
你好 请问你的这个问题解决了吗,我也遇到了同样问题,请教下如何解决的
do you see any signal on CAN2 TX/RX pins? What is the value of ESR1 and ECR registers?
To simply check pins are properly configured, short TX and RX pins without transceiver connected. Then after you send a message you should see CAN frame on this external loop connection.
BR, Petr
BR, Petr
My pins are configured as
This TX has a high level signal,5.5V.
I've spent a lot of time, but I can't figure it out. Can you help me?
* Function Name : FLEXCAN_DRV_StartSendData
* Description : Initiate (start) a transmit by beginning the process of
* sending data.
* This is not a public API as it is called from other driver functions.
static status_t FLEXCAN_StartSendData(
uint8_t instance,
uint8_t mb_idx,
const flexcan_data_info_t *tx_info,
uint32_t msg_id,
const uint8_t *mb_data,
bool isBlocking
DEV_ASSERT(tx_info != NULL);
status_t result;
flexcan_msgbuff_code_status_t cs;
flexcan_state_t * state = g_flexcanStatePtr[instance];
CAN_Type * base = g_flexcanBase[instance];
if (state->mbs[mb_idx].state != FLEXCAN_MB_IDLE)
state->mbs[mb_idx].state = FLEXCAN_MB_TX_BUSY;
state->mbs[mb_idx].isBlocking = isBlocking;
state->mbs[mb_idx].isRemote = tx_info->is_remote;
cs.dataLen = tx_info->data_length;
cs.msgIdType = tx_info->msg_id_type;
cs.fd_enable = tx_info->fd_enable;
cs.fd_padding = tx_info->fd_padding;
cs.enable_brs = tx_info->enable_brs;
if (tx_info->is_remote)
cs.code = (uint32_t)FLEXCAN_TX_REMOTE;
cs.code = (uint32_t)FLEXCAN_TX_DATA;
result = FLEXCAN_SetTxMsgBuff(base, mb_idx, &cs, msg_id, mb_data);
if (result != STATUS_SUCCESS)
state->mbs[mb_idx].state = FLEXCAN_MB_IDLE;
return result;
the ESR1=0x40080 means module is synced to the bus and is idle.
So FLEXCAN_DRV_Send should work normally when called for first time for given MB. For next calling you should check MB status each time, using FLEXCAN_DRV_GetTransferStatus().
Do you use demo example? I have tested "flexcan_encrypted_s32k148" demo from latest RTM_SDK_3.0.0, modified it for CAN2 with pins you have. On the S32K1448EVB-Q176 I see CAN message on external loopback connection upon button is pressed.
BR, Petr
yes,I have see the demo,but I could't find "Init_Config.h". So I can't find the defference between them.
Not sure what is purpose of this *.h file, however it is not used in this demo example.
BR, Petr