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982 次查看
Contributor I

hello,I encountered the following problem when debugging the S32G LLCE function: I have two projects, one generated by EB configuration and one generated by S32DS configuration. The program generated by EB runs to the code "u64MemPointer = (uint64*)Llce_CoreData[i].pu8MemLocation;" this code automatically jumps to the HardFault_Handler dead loop; but I tried the project generated by S32DS and there was no such phenomenon. What could be the problem? The following are screenshots of the debugging process of the two projects.

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377 次查看
Contributor I

@peko Have you had any luck with this? I have the same problem, what is the solution?

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361 次查看
Contributor I

Hello,The problem I encountered was that the pointer was pointing wrong in the program. The LLCE memory segment in my program was not initialized, and after the pointer pointed, it caused a HARD_FAULT. I hope this helps,TK.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Can you let us know which S32DS/RTD/LLCE version are you working with? Are you using any NXP reference board? Also, which debugger are you using?

On regards of the EB project, we might be misunderstanding it, but we don't see any example that uses that name, is this a modified project?

Please, let us know.

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