S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 (Windows/Linux) released!

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S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 (Windows/Linux) released!

S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 (Windows/Linux) released!





Product Release Announcement

Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors

S32 Design Studio for ARM







February 6, 2017

NXP Semiconductors is pleased to announce the release of the S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 for Automotive and Ultra-Reliable MCUs. The S32 Design Studio is based on the Eclipse open development platform and integrates the Eclipse IDE, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger (GDB), and other open-source software to offer designers a straightforward development tool with no code-size limitations.

Red highlighted items below are new/updated features in comparison to previous releases/updates.

Release content (What is new?)

  • Eclipse Neon 4.6 Framework
  • GNU Tools for ARM® Embedded Processors (Launchpad) build (4.9.3 20150529)
  • ARM64: Linaro GCC 4.9-2015.05
  • GNU Tools for ARM® Embedded Processors build (6.3.1 20170824) - supported by New Project Wizard for S32K1xx device. See the complete GNU ARM 6.3.1 release notes attached below.
    GCC Source code package is available here.
  • Libraries included: newlib, newlib-nano and ewl2 (ewl and ewlnano).
  • GDB 7.12.1 with Python
  • P&E Multilink/Cyclone/OpenSDA (with P&E GDB Server) - updated (v3.3.5.201801101746)
  • SEGGER J-Link (with SEGGER GDB Server) - updated (V6.22e_B180108)
  • New Project wizard to create application and library projects for supported devices
  • Fully integrated S32 SDK for S32K14x EAR release v.0.8.6. For the details on the feature set of SDK please refer to SDK Release notes and Reference Manuals. S32 SDK Release notes attached.Please note that S32K SDK has Early Access Release status, that means that there could be some limitations and issues. The S32K SDK is available for Windows host only. There is limitation on the supported GreenHills compiler version – the SDK released with GreenHills v2014.4, but due to GreenHills plugin limitation support for GreenHills compiler v2017.1 integrated, so new project wizard would not provide possibility to create SDK project with GreenHills compiler.
  • SDK management included
  • Import projects from CodeWarrior for MCU v.10.6 and Kinetis Design Studio for respective supported processors
  • IAR v7.x and v8.11.2 compiler support by new project wizard
  • GreenHills v2017.1.4 compiler support by new project wizard
  • iSystem, Lauterbach and IAR debuggers support by new project wizard.
  • Kernel Aware debugging for FreeRTOS, OSEK.
  • MQX 4.2 for MAC57D54H with possibility to create project from example
  • Devices supported
    • S32K144 v2.0, S32K142, S32K146, S32K148
    • S32V234
    • MAC57D54
  • Getting started page to allow the centralized access to documentation and additional materialspastedImage_42.png

Bug Fixes

  • Updated header and register description files to fix issues and synchronize with latest Ref Manual versions
  • [S32DS-4629] Clean rule doesn't work after particular user actions in "C/C++ Build -> Behavior"
  • [S32DS-301] After some debugging work (using BP, Stepping, Resume...) Disassembly view content disappears.
  • [S32DS-1093] Debugging session hangs when "c" step over is done on a loop statement that has its entire block in a single line.
  • [S32DS-273] Can not suspend after set condition of breakpoint = 0 and resume
  • [S32DS-61] Breakpoint properties disappeared after right-click into breakpoint
  • [S32DS-6072] Unable to export S32K144 SDK project into ProjectInfo.xml

The complete S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 release notes are attached below.

Installation Notes

Please visit the S32DS for ARM product page - download section to download the installer.

The installer requires the NEW Activation ID to be entered during the installation.

You should receive an email that includes your Activation ID after starting the download.


Technical Support

S32 Design Studio issues are tracked through the S32DS Public NXP Community space:





I USE MY ACTIVATE CODE FROM MY email from NXP,BUT ONLINE activation error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any body know why???


I use one way that has been  suggested in other sections (use offline )

Hello Wei,

Thanks for your report. It's indeed recommended to use offline activation instead of online if there is any issue with online activation.

There are several circumstances that can cause the online activation attempt fails - e.g. firewall/antivirus setup, company network setup, network lags...

According to our records the offline activation transaction was successful so I assume you are now up and running.




According to the release notes the SDK is only supported on Windows Host. When will it be released for Linux ?



Dear  Stanislav Sliva

       Could you please tell me how to use the (S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1 Update 2 – S32K116 Device Support & S32 SDK EAR 1.8.7 for S32K116(REV UP2) NEW)  of S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1?

        Which folder  location  should i put those extracted files?






You don't have to extract the files from archive.

Please see this release announcement for the update - it contains installation instructions.


Hope it helps.



You are right, unfortunately SDK is currently not supported by Linux version of S32 Design Studio.

This issue has been already escalated to the marketing team and there is pending discussion about adding SDK support into linux version of the S32 Design Studio.

I'd not expect it will happens in a near future (this year). 


Thanks Stan, any reason why we couldn't copy over and use the SDK source files from Linux? We are interested in the startup files and peripheral drivers.

I download the software,but found no menu to update, someone can help me ?  I want to update offline .111.JPG


you can update your installation by Install New Software option. I'm not sure if you have only WIN XP look or real Windows XP - if Real Win XP, please be aware that Windows XP is not supported by S32DS and you may be facing some issues. 


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‎02-09-2018 06:18 AM