DDR3 throughput on p1010 RDB-PB

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DDR3 throughput on p1010 RDB-PB

715 次查看
Contributor II


On p1010-RDB-PB we see effective throughput of 185MB/s when doing DDR3 writes. Core frequency is 800MHz, DDR3 does not make any difference, we are getting same throughput at 266, 333 and 400 MHz DDR3 clock rates. When core frequency is increased to 1 GHz data rate goes up to 232MB/s.

Is this the expected throughput?

Thank you,


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589 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Do you have data cache enabled for this memory region? Write-through or write-back?

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589 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Alexander,

Yes, I have copy-back cache enabled. A bit more info I am using vxworks bsp, DDR controller configuration is identical to the one from u-boot shipped with the development system.

Best regards,

Dmitri Krivchitch

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