On the T1040RDB there is an ADT7461 on I2C1 (address 0x4c), also connected to the T1040 thermal diode, per the User Guide. Is this device present on the T1040D4RDB and T1042D4RDB?
The only difference I know of between T1040RDB and T1040D4RDB is DDR4 memory and different PHY addresses. Is there a document I can refer to?
> Is this device present on the T1040D4RDB and T1042D4RDB?
The ADT7461 is present in the RDBs schematics.
> Is there a document I can refer to?
Sorry, there is no document summarizing the differences.
Turns out the T1042D4DRB we are working with has the ADT7461-2, at address 0x4D, rather than the ADT7461, at address 0x4C on the T1040RDB. Thanks.