I am trying to add a component (BITIO) to my project. I get the following error "This component is not supported in Kinetis SDK project mode"
What d I need to set up in the tools or import so I can use those components?
Thank you.
It looks like you have created a project with the Kinetis SDK option. In that case, you cannot use any of the LDD (Logical Device Driver) components, only the fsl_* components will work, except you are using some of the McuOnEclipse components (which work both for SDK and non-SDK projects).
Erich, Thank you for your answer. What would be the correct procedure to create the project and be able to use the LDD components. When I try to use the fsl components the system seems to accept them but I cannot get then to work properly. ie, I always get an error after I built the code. " function has not enough arguments" I thought with processor expert once you configured the component, you do not need to do anything else in the code when you are using the method. I am just trying to do a simple LED on and OFF and read the input value of a GPIO.
I looked at examples in Youtube but none of them use the fsl components. Any idea where can I go and look for some help in this matter.
Hi Rafael,
Please install the SDK to your IDE .
For example , if use KDS, please refer to here :
(install sdk to kds )
Tutorial: FreeRTOS with the Kinetis SDK and Processor Expert | MCU on Eclipse (create PE project on sdk)
You can also refer to the "Getting Stared with Kinetis SDK.pdf"
Hello Alice,
I am using the TWR-K24F120M Evaluation board. The uC in the Board is MK24FN256VDC12 (121 MBGA).
Hi Rafael,
Yes , use the KSDK PE , the method TWR-K24 is the same with FRDM-K64 ().
Hi, Rafael.
Please tell me which chip do you use ? and the SDK version ?
Have a great day,
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