P1020RDB-PD TDM tests and issues

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P1020RDB-PD TDM tests and issues

Contributor II

In reference to the other thread:

TDM Driver Working in Internal Loopback mode During Validation 

The document within it  TDM Driver Working in Internal Loopback mode During Validation.pdf

described changes to the TDM driver more specifically 


#define TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL 0x85


#define TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL 0xC3 

within TDM_FSL.c

In that previous thread I have pointed out that first of all the TDM_LOOPBACK_TEST.c

algorithm had major issue and was actually failing 99% of the time...

That test was fixed up ( algorithmwise ) and it was shown to be PASSing for P1010RDB

Under further scrutiny my findings are:

Looking/reviewing again the test logs/results that you performed back in January using P1010 show that you were using

external clock... I would like to see you rerun your tests using internal clock on P1010 and see that you a get positive results...

Since you were using external clock the value of 0xC3 for TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL was not even used...

I am using P1020RDB-PD

the TDM_TEST.c  with the DTMF loopback and the freshly updated TDM_LOOPBACK_TEST.c are performing OK

as long as I am using the external clock...


if I use within TDM_FSL.c the following line

      dev_node = of_find_compatible_node( NULL, NULL, "fsl,P1020RDB-PD" );

to force P1020 to use internal clock... then both of above tests are FAILing...

I have tried these tests with each of the below values with not much luck...

#define TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL 0x85

#define TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL 0xC3 

Can you please run above tests on P1020RDB-PD using internal clock

and let me know what TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL should be set to...

and if there is any hope for these tests to PASS using INTERNAL CLOCK...



Naum Grutman

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Contributor II


You are missing my point completely...

I am saying that using External Clock these tests are PASSing...

before they were failing even under external clock because the algorithm was screwed up...

Now that algorithm was fixed they are PASSing under External Clock... so stipulated....!!!!

The problem is that these tests are FAILing

 when one wants to use TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL which means that one has to use INTERNAL CLOCK  

Please provide proof that these tests will PASS using INTERNAL CLOCK...!!!!!!!!!!!

You put together this thread:

TDM Driver Working in Internal Loopback mode During Validation 

to point out that there are changes to the TDM driver with one of them being

TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL  under Internal clock configuration... but in all your tests you were

using External Clock all along so this TDM_CLK_DIV_VAL is not being used...

Again and again and again I am saying...:

Please make these tests work using internal clock... 

!!!!!!!   Please provide proof that these tests will PASS using INTERNAL CLOCK...!!!!!!!!!!!



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