SC18IS606 SPICLK is discontinuous. There is an pause between two bytes. The slave IC need a 32bit communication. What can I do?
这个SPI slave的读跟写的格式跟时许有吗我看看?
问题是:怎样把SC18IS606 SPICLK发出连续的波形?
SPI slave的料不是bridge
比方说尝试下面的例子,如果这个命令发过去到SPI, slave那里看到的clock是什么样子基本是不能改变的:
Write the 8 data bytes. The first byte (Function ID) tells SC18IS606 which Slave
Select output to use. This example uses SS2 (shown as 04h). The first byte sent
to the EEPROM is normally 02h for the EEPROM write command. The next one
or two bytes represent the subaddress in the EEPROM. In this example, a twobyte subaddress is used. Bytes 00 and 30 would cause the EEPROM to write to
subaddress 0030h. The next eight bytes are the eight data bytes that will be written to
subaddresses 0030h through 0037h.
ST,50,04,02,00,30,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,SP Write 8 bytes
using SS2