I'm having problem talking to MC33978.
The MCU is STM32F745.
The SPI check command works, returns MISO = "0x00123456"
But other commands return wrong data.
Switch status command 0x3E000000, returns MISO = 0x3FBADBAD
Tristate SP disable 0x05000000, returns MISO = 0x07BADBAD
Fault Status Reg command 0x42000000, returns MISO = 0x23800000.
SPI communication setup in the STM32F MCU project:
Clock polarity = high
Clock phase = first edge
What is the meaning of "BADBAD" in MISO?
Why I'm getting this response?
Thank you
You can try to use the SPI model 1. Or you can catch the waveform about SPI interface.