本文说明S32G HSE On-demand SMR验证的应用方法,本文演示的示例应用为:
2 S32G On-demand SMR Verification说明... 4
This application doc explains the application method of S32G HSE On_demand SMR verification. The example application demonstrated in this doc is:
This application doc explains the application method of S32G HSE On_demand SMR verification. The example application demonstrated in this doc is:
1 Background Description and Reference Materials. 2
2 S32G On-demand SMR Verification. 4
3 Build the Development Environment 5
@Johnli seem the S32G_On-demand_SMR_20230923_v1.pdf has a content for PFE compiling into Linux Kernel instead of SMR. could you please help to verify and update?
updated, sorry for it.