We are using PN7362 in our design where it wakes up every second to look for a card using LPCD technique. For debugging, we print out the reference AGC and measured AGC values over the UART.
What we are noticing is that, without any card present, the measured AGC value shows significant variation. Most of the times, it varies between1-3 but occasionally and without any external stimulus, it can vary up to 8. For few hours it can be within 1-3 and then for an hour or so, it can vary between 1-8 and then back to being 1-3. The firmware isn't doing anything else or anything different.
We have 2 antenna designs, the quiet measured levels AGC levels are ~108 and ~370 but the variation is same.
Is this an expected behaviour?
I would suggest you test this function on OM27462 board, and compare the test results