Hi NXP Team,
I have bought PN7462 development board (OM27462CDKP) and working on the couple of contact and contact less card.
For Contact card, I was able to figure out on how to send the commands and receive response once the card is inserted (and receiving ATR). For this all I did was (a) In phExMain_Ct.c added below code once the ATR is received
uint8_t SelectApplet[12] = {0x00, 0xa4, 0x04, 0x00, 0x07, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x11, 0x00, 0x10};
eStatus = phpalCt_Transceive( (uint8_t *)&SelectApplet[0],12,bApduRespBuffer,&wReceiveSize);
LOG_AU8("Response for SelectApplet:\n",bApduRespBuffer, wReceiveSize);
The response received matches with expected response (from the card manufacturer - basically we are developing a unit which works for both contact and contact less cards).
Now on the same lines, I want to send couple of Applets (as above) for Contact less cards.
We have given a couple of contact less cards and when I run the code, I see the card gets detected and gets the ATR as well. The logs I see are as below.
Oct 21 2023
Entering Polling mode..
Type A Card - ISO14443-4A - UID : Len=7
04 5E 2B 5A 34 61 80
Exchange successful at 106
Baud Rate changed
Exchange successful at 212
Baud Rate changed
Exchange successful at 424
ActivateCard:3A Failed
Operation not successful
Remove the CL card.
Seems the card is identified, tried to communicate it with different baud rates etc. When I put a breakpoint in one of the prints, I see the flow of calls as below.
Once the card is detected - not sure how it detects - it calls
phExMain_ClifTask() -> phExMain_ClifMain () -> phExMain_Poll_Main () -> phExMain_PollA () and this is doing all the above detection/ ATR/ different bauds etc.
Now I am confused, where should I add my code to (phpalClif)_Transceive - not even sure if this is the interface followed.
Couple of questions
a. Is there any user guide which explain this - so that I can refer which could help me to debug the current issue (of not able to send some applet commands to contact less card)
b. Is there any pre-reading I need to get myself aware to understand the details (if my questions are dumb)
Please let me know if any of you have any pointers to me.
With best regards,
Hi NXP Team,
1. I was just going through the code and seems phpalI14443p4_Exchange function can be used for exchange of data. Is my understanding correct?
2. Basically when I send this uint8_t SelectApplet[12] = {0x00, 0xa4, 0x04, 0x00, 0x07, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x11, 0x00, 0x10}; command - I should receive 0x90 0x00 (2 bytes). Which is happening in Contact card
I just called above function phpalI14443p4_Exchange() in phExMain_TypeA_L4Exchange.c. This function is called when the contact less card is detected. I called the below function after phpalI14443p4_SetConfig
//Code starts here
uint8_t SelectApplet[12] = {0x00, 0xa4, 0x04, 0x00, 0x07, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x11, 0x00, 0x10};
//eStatus = phpalCt_Transceive( (uint8_t *)&SelectApplet[0], 12, bApduRespBuffer,&wReceiveSize);
memset (ppRxBuffer_Ph, 0, 100); //This is local buffer to receive the data
status = phpalI14443p4_Exchange(psDiscLoopParams->pPal14443p4DataParams,
//0, //wOption, //Response Ph : Response for SelectApplet: Len=2, \n 51 0C
//1, //wOption, //Response Ph : Response for SelectApplet: Len=1, \n 50
//2, //wOption, //Response Ph : Response for SelectApplet: Exchange failed
//3, //wOption, //Response Ph : Response for SelectApplet: Exchange failed
//PH_EXCHANGE_BUFFERED_BIT, //this is 0x8000. wOption, //Response Ph : Response for SelectApplet: Len=0
PH_EXCHANGE_LEAVE_BUFFER_BIT, //this is 0x4000. wOption, //Response Ph : Response for SelectApplet: Len=2, \n 51 0C
&SelectApplet[0], //pTxBuffer,
&ppRxBuffer_Phani[0], //&ppRxBuffer,
if(status != PH_ERR_SUCCESS)
LOG_TXT("Ph : Exchange failed at ");
LOG_AU8("Ph : Response for SelectApplet:\n",ppRxBuffer_Phani, pRxLength);
//Code Ends here
and some how the response is not correct or I am not interpreting it properly. But response changes when I change the wOption in phpalI14443p4_Exchange calling function. Basically all I need is to send some APDU commands to contact less cards and get response.
Let me know if you have any suggestion for me.
With best regards,
I would suggest you refer to the NXP NFC Reader Library documents, it described the library structure and components, including the API reference.