Change "NXP - Mifare Classic 1k" to "NXP-NTAG213", is it possible?

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Change "NXP - Mifare Classic 1k" to "NXP-NTAG213", is it possible?

284 次查看
Contributor I

Good afternoon all!

I hope I found the right community to exchange information about NFC... Well, I'm new to this NFC world, and maybe I did it wrong, but I bought the following reader/writer:

USB NFC Reader

It came with some tags and cards, and I think it works as expected, but I can't read the cards/tags with my iPhone... Do I need a new reader/writer or new tags/cards?

I watched some videos and read some papers, and still think the topic is blurry to me...

Seems that my cards came as "NXP - Mifare Classic 1k", but in the video, I watch a guy reading cards on an iPhone, the information on TECH is "NXP-NTAG213"... 

Can I overwrite this information or is it hardcoded? I'm using the "NFC Tools For Desktop" to manipulate the tags/cards, does we have any other desktop tools you recommend?

Well, appreciate the help!

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @migueldiasbr 

It's recommended that you can install TagInfo APP on your iPhone, please try it.



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