How can I enable ADC calibration in Simulink?
V4.2.0 product release report says that it is available in the block. But I cannot find any option in the ADC config block.
1. I observe the same issue with self-calibration of no value being written to ADC1_CAL after calibration completes successfully (CAL bit clears and CALF bit is not set). However some value getting written to ADC1_R0. This happens when VBGH/VBGL is selected as voltage reference, but if VREFH/VREFL with all other settings being the same, the calibration gives results in the ADC1_CAL. In the first case where VBGH/VBHL is selected and calibration does not have any results, subsequent conversions seem to have significant offset from the true value. Any suggestions?
2. I need ADC performance/accuracy characterization with internal bandgap used as voltage reference. How can I get that data?
Hello @p_a_u_darshana ,
The AutoCalibration function is called automatically for all the instances enabled in the S32K Blocks.
Hope this helps,