I use the MPC5777C chip eTPU module to collect the externally input frequency signal.
When I use ETPUB22 pin to collect external frequency signal,The PCR configuration is as follows:
SIU.PCR[169].R = 0x0512.The ETPU module can detect the falling edge of the frequency signal.
Similarly, I input the same frequency signal, by configuring ETPUB23, SIU.PCR[170].R = 0x0512,the frequency signal can also be collected through etpu.
However, the same frequency signal input, I collect the signal by configuring ETPUB0,ETPUB1 and ETPUA0,ETPUA1, the configuration is as follows: SIU.PCR[147].R = 0x0512,SIU.PCR[148].R = 0x0512,SIU.PCR[114].R = 0x0512,SIU.PCR[115].R = 0x0512. The ETPU module cannot detect the falling edge of the frequency signal.
By configuring the 147 pin as GPIO and reading the register GPDI, the frequency signal can be determined to be input to the CPU.But the frequency signal cannot be collected by ETPU.
What is the difference between ETPUB0 ,ETPUB1and ETPUB22 and ETPUB23?Can you help me with some ideas, the compiler I use for ETPU is BYTECRAFT ETPU_C version you very much for your help Sincerely.
On the MPC5777C the reset default of the IGF module filters all input to ETPUA0-14, ETPUB0-14 and ETPUC0-14. You must configure or disable glitch filtering for those eTPU channels to process input signals. I've attached some code that disables all IGF module filtering as an example.